Customize Query Editor

Editor Font Size

You can change the Font Size of the editor by:

  • Clicking on the config/setting button at the bottom left of the Query Editor

  • Choose Font Size options.

You can also configure the Editor Font Size via the app's preferences (⌘ + ,) at the Fonts & Colors tab.

Highlight current query

By default, TablePlus highlights the current query where the cursor is pointing at. You can change this option by:

  • Clicking on the config/setting button at the bottom left of the Query Editor

  • Select/Unselect Highlight Current Query to enable/disable it.

Raise Notice notifications

By default, TablePlus sends notifications for the RAISE NOTICE commands in PostgreSQL. You can change this option by:

  • Clicking on the config/setting button at the bottom left of the Query Editor

  • Select/Unselect Enable Raise Notice notifications to enable/disable it.

Restore recent queries

If enabled, TablePlus restore the queries from the precious session when you open the Query Editor. You can change this option by:

  • Clicking on the config/setting button at the bottom left of the Query Editor

  • Select/Unselect Restore recent queries to enable/disable it.

Return on error

If enabled, TablePlus will stop on the error command when running multiple queries. If it's turned off, TablePlus will ignore the error and carry on until all the queries are finished.

You can change this option by:

  • Clicking on the config/setting button at the bottom left of the Query Editor

  • Select/Unselect Return on error to enable/disable it.

For more customization, visit the app's preferences setting (⌘ + ,).

Last updated

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