
Create trigger

  • Open the table structure view (⌘ + ^ + ]).

  • Click on the Triggers button near the top right of the structure view.

  • Click on the + Trigger button or double click on the blank row.

  • Specify the trigger's attributes and write the trigger statement.

  • Press ⌘ + S to commit changes to the server.

Edit trigger

  • Open the table structure view (⌘ + ^ + ])

  • Click on the Triggers button near the top right to see all existing triggers.

  • Double click on trigger's attribute and edit inline.

  • Press ⌘ + S to commit changes to the server.

Delete trigger

  • Open the table structure view (⌘ + ^ + ]).

  • Click on the Triggers button near the top right to see all existing triggers.

  • Select the trigger and press Delete key, or right click and choose Delete.

  • Press ⌘ + S to commit changes to the server.

Last updated